Position(s) Applied For *
Phone *
Email *
If other, describe:
Are you at least 18 years old? *
If the job you are applying for requires driving, include Driver's License No. *
State *
If the answer was "Yes", please give dates of service
List any special skills or training: *
What hours and shift(s) would you prefer to work? *
List times you are not available to work. *
Are you willing to work overtime? *
Are you willing to work on weekends? *
Are you willing to work on holidays? *
If yes, name used?
List any friends or relatives employed by Nicha's Comida Mexicana. *
If yes, please describe.
Please describe which tasks, if any, you will need an accommodation to perform, and explain what type of accommodation you will need: *
Mark highest level of education achieved in Elementary and Middle school. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name of School *
Location *
High School *
Name of School *
Location *
Date of Graduation or GED, if applicable.
Degree and Major
Name of College
Date of Graduation, if applicable. *
If yes, identify the program and school.
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Previous Company A: Phone
Previous Company A: Dates of Employment
Previous Company A: Beginning Salary
Previous Company A: Ending Salary
Previous Company: Job Title
Previous Company A: Supervisor's Name and Title
Previous Company A: Describe job duties
Previous Company A: Specific reason for leaving
Previous Company B
Previous Company B: Phone
Previous Company B: Dates of Employment
Previous Company B: Beginning Salary
Previous Company B: Ending Salary
Previous Company B: Job title
Previous Company B: Supervisor's Name and Title
Previous Company B: Describe job duties
Previous Company B: Specific reason for leaving
Previous Company C
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Single Line Previous Company C: Dates of Employment
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Previous Company C: Ending Salary
Previous Company C: Job title
Previous Company C: Supervisor's Name and Title
Previous Company C: Describe job duties
Previous Company C: Specific reason for leaving